Calmify & Mindbeats

Mindfulness Demystified

There can be many different responses when people hear the word ‘mindfulness’, but a common response will often take the form of a cynical question of some kind: ‘’Oh you don’t buy into all that do you?’’

Perhaps the problem is that mindfulness feels too mysterious for those who have never really looked into it. Too abstract and theoretical. But the truth is, mindfulness is straightforward, practical and real. It is simply about focusing your mind in the present, without distractions.

And it really is for everyone. Anyone who wants to be more mindful, can be. It is also universally beneficial; there is nobody who would not benefit from being less distracted.

Perhaps there is also a perception that mindfulness is boring. But it is impossible to be mindful and bored. If you are bored, you are not being mindful. Life is far too beautiful and fascinating to bore us if we are fully present and experiencing it clearly! Mindfulness should therefore be fun. That’s the philosophy I have for life – it should be fun!

Mindfulness can also be simple. Doing small things can make a big difference. As a warm up exercise for people new to my Calmify experiences, I like to get them to focus on a nearby object – any object – and just notice it. I ask them to see whether there are any things about the item that they’ve never noticed before; things which we miss because we are hardly ever fully present when we experience life. To be mindful is to remedy this, to remove distraction and experience life more clearly.

It doesn’t need to be time-consuming, so anyone can practise mindfulness, and you can be mindful no matter what else you might be doing; you can ‘be’ whilst you ‘do’. Yes – like building any muscle, it takes training, but with practice it will become second nature.

The mindfulness tools you learn during a Calmify experience can help you to become more present in all the moments of your life; to truly tune into yourself, without distraction. The benefits which can spring from this ability are many. You can begin to understand yourself more deeply and learn to acknowledge your flaws – the first step to improving yourself. You can begin to share yourself more fully with others, whether they be colleagues, friends or loved ones. It will help you to better cope with whatever life can throw at you.

Has there ever been anything better to buy into?

If you are new to mindfulness and want to know more about what it’s all about, our Taster Sessions are packed full of pragmatic tips and exercises to get you started. You’ll be able to ask questions to help demystify mindfulness. Whether you are working, a busy parent, or an entrepreneur, it’s the perfect introduction to mindfulness.

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